Playa Diva

This is a compilation of information I have collected over the years as I have shared tips and tricks with people who want to attend Burning Man. In the spirit of the Burning Man principles, I have never received compensation for any of the items or links shared. Anytime I link to an artist I have asked their permission.

Click on the image to read about homes on the playa


There are so many possibilities for your home on the playa. But first, you must consider the wind and the dust.

Click the image to read about bikes on the playa


Black Rock City, more than any other urban area, has been given over completely to bicycles, making it unquestionably the highest bikes-per-capita metropolis anywhere on the planet.

Click the image to read about shoes on the playa


To get around the city you will be biking and walking, with the occasional art car ride here and there. Think about the type of shoes you will be able to ride a bike with, or what if you have to run to catch that art car?